New Team Member…

New Team Member…

We recently welcomed a new team member to IQ4Business and we thought you’d be keen to meet him.

Please meet…Buster the Bichon Frise!

This little chap is a very welcome addition to the IQ4Business office and – whilst he was perhaps a little distracting at first – we’ve quickly come to realise why people rave about bringing their dog to work.

So, in honour of Buster, this month’s blog is all about the benefits of bringing your pet to work! The points below refer to our experiences but may also be applicable to your business.

1. Stress Busting

A study (conducted in 2012) found that individuals who brought their dog to work with them had decreased hormonal stress levels in comparison to those who didn’t bring a pet to work.

And, from our experience so far, it’s truly very difficult to feel stressed when there is a happy, bouncing ball of fluff around.

This stress-reduction could also be down to the regular fresh air and breaks from looking at a computer screen – which are required when there is a puppy around.

In our experience, Buster definitely lives up to his name in the stress department.

2. Productivity

Some might think a pet at work would be too much of a disruption, but an office dog could actually improve productivity.

If you’re considering introducing a ‘bring your pet to work’ policy, you may find your team members are more focused on their work. Pet owners are likely to work more hours and have fewer distractions or absences if their pet is safe at their feet.

3. Positive Company Image

Having an office dog can improve your customers’ perception of your business.

A friendly reception is the best way to welcome visitors to your business…and your resident meeter-and-greeter will certainly create a cheery first impression!

An office dog can also help your customers to see you as a progressive and positive company to work with.

4. Money saving

In addition to all the wonderful benefits above, bringing your dog to work will save you money. There’ll be no need to employ a dog-walker, your dog will be healthier and happier (therefore vet bills will be lower), and you may well make more money due to increased productivity!


As you can tell, we’ve quickly become advocates of the bring-your-dog-to-work movement…and we’d love to hear from others that feel the same. Please share photos of your pets with us by tagging us on Twitter (@IQ4Business).

Here are a couple more pictures (and a video) of Buster –  settling into his new role…

Till next time!