Five Reasons why ‘Following Up’ is Vital to your Business

How many times do you put off making that follow up call? You know you should do it but it is pretty low down your To Do list. Well we’d like you to think again and to start to prioritise making that follow up contact call or email.


Five good reasons to make that follow up call:


  1. It keeps you on the radar of the company/person you are trying to engage with. This is so important and in today’s world it is easy to be forgotten.


  1. It helps make you stand out from the mass of communications that people receive every day. This doesn’t mean be pushy! A friendly email or phone call from time to time helps register you and/or your company with the target prospect.


  1. We all know that it takes on average seven contacts for people to engage. Don’t give up after one or two half-hearted attempts. Just because they haven’t responded doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in what you are saying! Life and work gets in the way of everyone!


  1. Be consistent with your follow ups. Did you know that 63% of people requesting information on your company today will not purchase for at least three months – and 20% will take more than 12 months to buy! [Source: Marketing Donut]


  1. If you don’t have the time to schedule follow up calls – outsource it – and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you and your company are gently making contact with your target prospects when you are doing something else!


If you are looking to grow your business and don’t have the time to spend on the phone or you just don’t like picking up the phone then drop us an email at